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High-intensity Exercise for Heart Transplant Patients and Indianapolis ACLS Classes

A heart transplant may be required when a person’s heart can no longer work effectively thus putting their life at risk. The operation involves replacing a damaged or failing heart with a healthy human heart from a donor who has recently died. The operation is usually recommended if a person has severe heart failure, if an individual has not responded to conventional treatments for heart failure and a person is expected to die within in a year without a transplant. In the US, there are over 2,000 heart transplants that take place annually that mostly occurs between the ages of 50-64 years, with around 70% of cases male. There has been an improvement in the survival rates for solid organ transplants like heart, liver, kidney with around 88% of patients surviving the first year after transplant surgery and 75% surviving for 5 years and 56 percent surviving for 10 years. Most patients can return to their normal levels of activity after the operation.

In the face of the improved survival rates, the focus has shifted towards long-term outcomes following transplant including physical function, health-related quality-of-life and cardiovascular mortality. Before proceeding, read to know about the life-saving CPR techniques.

More and more people are joining the CPR training programs as they are aware of the role that these procedures can play in reviving the life of a victim involved in a cardiac emergency. The CPR procedures comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper administration of the techniques can revive the life of a victim involved in a cardiac arrest or heart attack. Always choose a certified training center for acquiring training such as the AHA certified CPR Indianapolis. Certified instructors conduct the classes through audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. Choose a course after going through the course curriculum as there are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers. Read to know more about an “ACLS class Indianapolis”:

Advanced Cardiac Life Support Classes- The ACLS class is designed for healthcare and emergency professionals that work in intensive care units, emergency departments, anesthesia units, cardiac floors, surgery centers, surgical dentistry, and any emergency response units in general. Although students can go for the online option, but experts recommend choosing the traditional classroom version for first-time students where the course is presented through instructor lectures, videos and hands-on practice.
The course fee is $299.

High-intensity Exercise for Heart Transplant Patients:
When talking about long-term outcomes following a transplant, exercise has the potential to affect these outcomes. But the research on the optimal timing, type, dose of exercise, mode of delivery and relevant outcomes is limited. According to a study that aimed towards investigating whether high-intensity interval training would lend similar benefits to heart transplant recipients as it had with heart disease patients previously, high-intensity exercise was more efficient than the currently recommended continued moderate exercise for improving exercise capacity as per the results.
Researchers compared the effects of supervised exercise sessions, three times a week for a 12-week period. The high-intensity interval training sessions consisted of 10-minutes warm-up, 16-minute total upright bicycle interval training with intervals of 4-, 2- and 1-min duration at >80% of peak oxygen uptake, a 2-minute active rest period at approximately 60% of peak oxygen uptake separated each interval period ending with a 10-minutes cooling down.

Researchers concluded high-intensity exercise has been deemed safe in heart transplant patients with the effect on exercise capacity and blood pressure control being superior to moderate-intensity training.

Join a CPR program today and gain the benefits. Contact CPR Indianapolis to know more.


  1. ACLS Online Certification offered by Nationwide Health Training is designed to assist healthcare professionals who provide care during cardiovascular and respiratory emergencies and will include ACLS algorithms, team dynamics, identifying and managing different types of emergency situations.


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